For years now I’ve enjoyed browsing the luxury handbag selection on eBay, not only for the chance to save on retail prices, but also to find vintage or unique styles like this blue Chanel from a while back! When buying pre-owned designer goods online, I always recommend doing thorough due diligence, including reading through several pages of seller feedback and asking for more photos if necessary. I’m partnering with eBay today to share more about their Authenticate program for luxury handbags, which can provide an added layer of reassurance for shoppers.
This program features products from a select group of sellers that specialize in designer goods, and have experts authenticate their items before they get listed. These sellers are usually established luxury consignment shops rather than individuals. Look for the blue “Authenticity Verified” checkmark on the side of each listing for items that qualify! eBay also has a Money Back Guarantee policy for most items, under which buyers are automatically covered in case you don’t receive your item, or if the item you receive is different than what’s in the listing.
For those debating a first luxury bag purchase, two of my earliest ones that I have no regrets over are the Chanel timeless wallet on chain and classic double flap purse. This blue one is the medium size, and the chain strap on these can be worn a few different ways, as shown below!
1) Single long strap on the shoulder
2) Straps shortened as an evening handbag
3) Doubled up straps worn on the shoulder or arm
4) Straps tucked in, held clutch style
5) Single long strap worn cross-body style (This only works if you’re petite with a short torso!)
Thank you to eBay for partnering on this post.